International Association of Conference Translators  
Asociación Internacional de Traductores de Conferencias  
Association internationale des traducteurs de conférence  

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The CPIT – what better way to safeguard your future?

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You’re a translator, interpreter or other language professional and you work, for example, for the international organizations, on a freelance or a permanent basis. You want to make sure you’re covered should you become disabled and you’re starting to think about your retirement savings. The CPIT is made for you!.

In 1970, a group of conference translators and interpreters like us wanted to set up a pension system that was better adapted to our needs. They created the Caisse de pensions des interprètes et traducteurs de conférence (CPIT) [Pension Fund for Conference Interpreters and Translators]. The CPIT, a foundation in Swiss law recognized by the United Nations system, the European institutions and the coordinated organizations, has weathered every financial crisis since, affording returns similar to those of pension funds of comparable size.

The CPIT is a genuine pension fund anchored in the Swiss social security system. It is therefore secure and reliable. Its technical and actuarial management is entrusted to professionals (SLPS and Interdis), its assets are invested by recognized experts (Pictet Asset Management and the IST Foundation), and its members’ accounts are in Swiss francs, a strong and stable currency.

Membership is open to language professionals (translators, interpreters, editors, précis- or report writers, copy editors, proofreaders, etc.) of all nationalities who can prove that they work in a language-related profession (members and candidate members of the AITC or AIIC automatically qualify but must complete the membership form).

Under the CPIT’s completely transparent funding model, members pay a minimum annual contribution towards the Fund’s operating expenses – all other contributions are put towards their individual disability and old-age coverage. If you’re under 30, you’re exempted from paying the minimum contribution for two years.

When you retire, if you opt to receive a pension rather than withdraw the capital, the amount will be calculated at a conversion rate that you have chosen in the light of your personal situation. The CPIT’s conversion rates are highly competitive, in part because pensions are paid directly by the Fund, under the supervision of a Foundation Council made up of volunteer colleagues, and not by an insurance company concerned about shareholder dividends.

The CPIT also offers various other benefits, such as a lump-sum death benefit for your designated heirs and a widow/widower’s pension for the surviving spouse or partner of a retired member. Should you be lastingly disabled, not only will you receive disability benefits, the Fund will continue to contribute to your accrued retirement capital on your behalf.

To find out more, go to our website or contact the Fund’s manager at the following address:

Publié le: 2004-10-05 (151228 lectures)

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15 route des Morillons - CH-1218 Genève